

We honor your unique experiences and will help you tap into your innate wisdom for better health. We seek to understand who you are, what has brought you to your current state and together we develop an individualized plan toward wellness.

Our program includes a 4-part consultation:  

  • Initial 2-hour assessment (intake): getting to know your constitution and current state of health

  • 1-hour “Report of Findings” appointment to lay out an initial Ayurvedic wellness plan

  • 2 Follow-up appointments to monitor progress

  • Clients receive 1-month supply of a personalized herbal tea blend and spice mix for digestive support, mental clarity, calmness and detox as needed

Contact us to schedule your consultation and begin your journey toward radiance and vitality.

Four-Part Consultation: $325

Ayurvedic body therapies deliver superior life-changing results.

Everyone wants to enjoy a life unimpeded by stress, pain, inability to sleep, etc. Our transformative hands-on treatments restore and regenerate, have anti-aging effects on the physiology, and leave you in an integrated state of physical calm, stability and serenity.


Self-care is Self Love

  • Marma Therapy

    Marma points are energetic pathways for healing the body, mind and consciousness. Marmas are junction points between consciousness and physiology, between energy and matter.

    This calming treatment promotes relaxation, stimulates healing in the body, and grounds and soothes the mind.

    This treatment can be performed in several ways:
    1) Applying warm herbal oil and gently massaging the marma points by hand (client disrobes);

    2) Using vibration from an amethyst-tipped tuning fork, and sound vibration from Tibetan singing bowls (client remains clothed).

    Marma Therapy:
    60 minutes. . .$125 (with oil)
    or $75 (with vibration / sound)

  • Abhyanga Oil Therapy

    This oleation (oiling) process, meaning “loving qualities,” brings unctuousness to the body. Warm herbal oil is applied to the head and body with gentle strokes. This is followed by Swedana (herbal steam therapy) which helps to send lubrication and nourishing herbs deep into the tissues.

    Abhyanga brings softness and lubrication to the skin, joints, and tissues and grounds and calms the mind. Abhyanga is a relaxing and rejuvenating treatment that aids in the natural elimination processes of the body.

    Contraindications: Women during menses, signs of toxins in the body, cloudy or rainy days – treatments will be rescheduled in any of these cases until conditions are more favorable for the client.

    Abhyanga/ Swedana Treatment:
    75 minutes. . . $165

  • 5-Sense Therapy

    This rejuvenating therapy helps nourish the 5-senses and focuses on eyes, ears, nose and throat.

    A wonderful treatment for those suffering from allergies, dry eyes, ringing in the ears and sinus headaches.

    Abhyanga – The head and shoulders are anointed with warm herbal oils followed by swedana (herbal steam therapy);
    Nasya – The nasal passages are gently lubricated with therapeutic oil;
    Kavala – Gargling with a personalized formulation of steeped herbs;
    Netra Basti – A dough dam covers one eye while warm ghee is gently poured in; rejuvenating for the eyes and sinuses;
    Ear oiling – Warm medicated oil is gently massaged into the ears.

    5-Sense Therapy:
    90 minutes. . .$165

  • Pinda

    The body is covered with warm oil followed by gentle rubbing and percussion with boluses (pindas) that are filled with rice cooked with specially-formulated herbs and soaked in warm coconut milk and saffron.

    Followed by swedana (herbal steam therapy).

    This is a luxurious therapy that relieves joint pain and increases flexibility, soothes sore muscles, helps with age-related musculoskeletal problems, increases blood circulation, soothes the nerves and enhances sound sleep. Very relaxing and rejuvenating.

    Pinda Sweda:
    75 minutes. . .$165

  • Udvartana

    An invigorating full body treatment that increases circulation, revitalizes the skin, supports overall detoxification and promotes weight loss.

    A personalized herbal scrub is applied head to toe deeply penetrating the tissues, increasing metabolism and stimulating lymph flow. Depending on the client’s condition, this can be performed dry or with oil.

    Garshana is a similar process used with raw silk gloves. Like Udvartana, it helps increase metabolism, stimulates lymph and blood flow.

    Followed by swedhana (herbal steam therapy).

    Udvartana: 75 minutes. . .$125

    Garshana: 45 minutes. . .$125 (Add-on +$20 gloves)

  • Basti Therapy

    A therapeutic oil therapy for a specific area of body that needs rejuvenation or healing. Dough dams are placed on the body and filled with warm medicated herbal oils.

    The personalized herbal oils penetrate deeply into the tissues to reduce pain, promote healing and nourishment.

    Areas treated:
    Eyes (Netra), Heart (Hrid), Neck (Griva - front and back), Back - low back or kidneys (Kati), and the Knees (Janu).

    Basti Therapy:
    45 minutes. . .$135

If you are interested in one of the Body Therapy treatments, please contact Mary for a pre-treatment consultation to assess your current state and establish the best therapeutic course for you. You will receive a preparatory routine (which may include an herbal tea and spice mix to boost your body’s agni or digestive fire and eliminate accumulated toxins) and get you ready for a wonderful treatment that will leave you feeling vibrant, calm and serene. **NOTE: I am now offering Body Therapies at The Wellness Center in Oxford, MS.

*Note: Even though a treatment may sound amazing, it may not be suitable for your current condition or the time of year.
The practitioner reserves the right to assess its appropriateness. To receive the most beneficial body therapy, schedule an Ayurvedic Consultation first.*